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I am actively looking for new members to join my research:
If you are a Bachelor or Master student in Germany, come talk to us about internships or thesis projects. (Wenn Ihr Bachelor- oder Masterstudent(in) in Deutschland seid, können wir gerne über mögliche Projekte für Praktika und Abschlussarbeiten reden)


Bachelor / undergraduate students:


We welcome undergraduate students willing to be involved in our work in a dynamic international environment. There are often spaces available for undergraduate students to assist with our research projects or carry out their own independent project. These positions may involve laboratory work, literature analyses, or other tasks. I expect undergraduates to be highly motivated and interested in the science while at the same time treating them like a peer.

MSc students:


I am always looking for MSc students to join our research team. We always have exciting projects to join! I am most interested in highly motivated students who are willing to develop their scientific skills and independence.

Students will be trained in the lab, will work closely with PhD students and/or post-docs (including me) and will be expected to develop their own independent research projects. Students are expected to attend lab meetings, read scientific literature, present their research at meetings.



I am happy to discuss collaboration and/or new ideas with fellow postdocs. There are several funding possibilities for joining our lab at the Leibniz-IGB or establish funded networking to develop new ideas! Feel free to contact me!

Dr. Ramsy Agha


Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and  Inland Fisheries (IGB)

Dep of Evolutionary and Integrative Ecology

Müggelseedamm 301 12857 Berlin (Germany)


ramsy.agha (at)

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