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IGB Postdoc Retreat

Autorenbild: Ramsy AghaRamsy Agha

Recently I participated together with my fellow IGB-postdocs in the annual Postdoc Retreat, organized by the IGB-Postdoc Society. We gather every year to discuss some science and socialize at the most beautiful Lake Stechlin in Brandenburg. We also discuss upcoming activities of the Postdoic Society, which aim at providing postdocs with more training, workshops, skill development activities and guidance for newcommers. We also had a great bbq and some beers. We had a blast!


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Dr. Ramsy Agha

Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and  Inland Fisheries (IGB)

Dep of Evolutionary and Integrative Ecology

Müggelseedamm 301 12857 Berlin (Germany)

ramsy.agha (at)

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