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Our paper in the top20 most downloaded in Environmental Microbiology

Autorenbild: Ramsy AghaRamsy Agha

Back in 2015 I organized in Berlin the 1st Plankton Chytridiomycosis Workshop. The idea behind this was to gather the rather scattered communuity of scientists working on chytrid fungi, share our perspectives, and push together to integrate chytrid fungi in aquatic microbial ecology. That was an exciting, challeging experience, which, in addition, resulted into an opinion paper (, which reflects the discussions we had during that meeting. It makes me super happy to find out that that paper is among the 20 most downloaded papers in the prestigous journal Environmental Microbiology during 2017-2018. Hurray!


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Dr. Ramsy Agha

Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and  Inland Fisheries (IGB)

Dep of Evolutionary and Integrative Ecology

Müggelseedamm 301 12857 Berlin (Germany)

ramsy.agha (at)

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