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Workshop on Genomics 2020

Autorenbild: Ramsy AghaRamsy Agha

I just came back from the 2020 Workshop on Genomics. in Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic.

During the last 2 weeks, I enjoyed an immersive and intensive learning experience, with hands-on practical work on diverse research tools related to Next Generation Sequencing, including genomics (de novo assembling), transcriptomics (amplicon sequencing and single-cell transcriptomics), metagenomics, and population genomics, among others. I most definitely improved my skills in these exciting (and constantly-evolving!) approaches and look forward to applying them to our own research very soon! I can only recommend this workshop if you want to improve your bioinfomratic skills!


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Dr. Ramsy Agha

Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and  Inland Fisheries (IGB)

Dep of Evolutionary and Integrative Ecology

Müggelseedamm 301 12857 Berlin (Germany)

ramsy.agha (at)

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